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Understanding Private Placements in Real Estate

Download our guide and learn more about passively investing in private real estate placements.



Become an informed investor

By understanding private placements in real estate, you can invest in real estate without having to manage properties.

Simply put, a private placement is the private sale of unregistered securities to a group of investors rather than on the public market. Private placements enable
issuers to raise capital without registration with the
SEC, relying on certain exemptions from registration
under the securities laws. Entities engaging in private
placements can be in any industry, including real estate.

What You'll Learn

Our goal is to help you make informed decisions. Access our guide today and begin to learn more about:

  • What real estate private placements are and what types of properties they invest in
  • Important terminology to help you navigate real estate private placement investing
  • What questions you should ask General Partners to determine if their investment strategy, specific deals, operating markets, and team are a good fit for you

Private Placements in Real Estate

By gaining an understanding of private placements in real estate, you can learn how to invest in multifamily real estate without having to manage properties.


Assuming that investing in real estate via private placements is of interest to you, the next step is to determine the type of real estate offering to invest in.



Understanding Private Placements in Real Estate

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